The Truth is ... The Lord is Good. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, He is my Good Shepherd. Only Good and Perfect gifts come from my Father in heaven. He knows how to give Good gifts to them that ask. My God is not a theif, He is not a killer, He is not a destroyer, My God is a life giver not a life taker. The Lord is Good, all the time, in every circumstance, the Lord is Good. His mercy endures forever, the Lord is Good. His thoughts toward us are Good, He is Love and He thinks no evil. The Lord is Good. My God is a Good God.
Say it ... Lord You are Good. Your mercy endures forever, and You are forever Good. Lord You are Good. Thank You for Your Goodness, Your Grace, Your Mercy, Your Faithfulness, your Faith, Your Love and Your Word. Thank you Lord. LORD YOU ARE GOOD! Praise you Lord, Bless You Lord, Glory to You Lord. LORD YOU ARE GOOD!